Discover Your True Talent

Life Strategists- Jen Harding and Jim Tomeo help people find their calling and uncover their true talents in a results-oriented dynamic format.

Map to Succeed’s Blueprint for Success: Three Important Steps

Map to Succeed is a goal-oriented and results-focused program involving sessions with Life Strategists Jen Harding and Jim Tomeo.

Schedule your interview with Jen Harding

1. The Interview.

The first step is to have an informal, conversational yet entirely confidential “sit-down” with Jen or Jim. This can be done in-person or virtually via video call. In this in-depth discussion, we will learn more about the challenges you are facing, along with your goals for the future.

Take an assessment test to find your true talent.

2. The Assessment.

A key component of Map to Succeed is the administering of a proprietary assessment. The results are nothing short of amazing. Jen has used diagnostic tools for years—administering and analyzing the results to ensure highly specific personalized guidance and ultimately, success.

Discover your true passion with Map to Succeed.

3. The Analysis.

The results are always eye-opening and usually, life-changing. Starting with the initial discussion. Combined with listening, advice, assessments, and analysis, clients are ready to embark on the right road to uncovering their passions and putting them to their best use.

Who We Help

Find a career you love and excel at with Jen Harding.


If you find yourself at a crossroads in your life or not sure where to get started in discovering your passion, Map to Succeed is the first step toward reaching your goals. Discover what makes you tick and find the right path for you. Imagine learning more about yourself and making changes based on this new found knowledge. It is possible.

Start Your Journey: Set Up Your Call

Bring out the best in your employees with Map to Succeed.


People who are passionate about what they do are not just happier—they are more productive employees. When people care deeply about their work they are personally invested and motivated to succeed.

Price: upon consultation.

Build Your Dream Team: Book a Consultation

Discover your true talents with Map to Succeed.

What They’re Saying…

“Jen Harding is an enthusiastic professional who guides her clients toward discovering their ultimate job search strategies.”

— Craig Rosen, CEO,

“The only way to do great work, is love what you do.”

— Steve Jobs